Thursday, October 17, 2024

The October Friday 18 to October Friday 24 incipient 2024-25 Global Equity, Crypto, and Commodity Markets nonlinear CRASH DEVALUATION

The October Friday 18 to October Friday 24 incipient 2024-25 Global Equity, Crypto, and Commodity Markets nonlinear CRASH DEVALUATION: daily and weekly deterministic and mathematical fractal terminal 37-38 week 2ND FRACTAL NON-LINEARITY in the ACWI Oct 2023 16/38 week 1st and 2nd fractal series. In 2025, the US SPX will conclude the fractal self-assembly of a 1982 13/32 year :: x/2.5x 1st and 2nd fractal series. This series is interpolated in a larger US hegemonic 1807 to 2074 36/90/90/54 year :: x/2.5x/2.5x/1.5x Lammert 4-phase fractal series with nadirs in 1842-43, 1932 and 2074 and a 3rd fractal peak in November 2021. The October 2023 16/37 of 38 week 1st and 2nd fractal series is interpolated within the terminal 31 of 32 years of the 1982 to 2025 13/32 year : x/2.5x 1st and 2nd fractal series. From 2025 to 2074 US and global central banks will continue the same aggressive QE money expansion programs (perhaps with central banks borrowing at zero interest rates from each and to other ) following the pattern created after the respective March 2009 and March 2020 housing bubble and 2-3 % mortality rate Covid crashes. (The current 2020-2025 Chinese housing bubble crash is on an order of magnitude greater than the global hosing crash of 2007 to 2009.) The 5 August 2024 to 25 October 2024 final daily fractal crash pathway is interpolated within the final October 2023 16/37 of 38 week :: x2-2.5x 1st and 2nd fractal series. Below are the ACWI, the Russell 2000, and Indian BSE equity composites , the first two showing exactly similar patterns, and the latter showing a slight variant of the 16/37 of 38 week :: x/2-2.5x 1st and 2nd fractal series pattern of 17/36 of 37 weeks still :: x/2-2.5x.
The 5 Aug 2024 to 24 October 2024 daily ACWI pattern is interesting. The first fractal is an 18 day 3/6/7/5 day :: x/2x/2-2.5x/1.6x 4 phase fractal series. The second fractal 36 day 2x lower high ended Thursday 17 October with a final high on 14 October and consists of a 10 day (2/4/4/3 day) asymptotic lower low decay fractal series followed by a x/2-2.5x/1.6x growth series of 6/14/9 days ending 17 Oct. This x/2-2.5x/1.5-1.6x growth series is expected to evolve and self-assemble into a 6/14/15 day :: x/2-2.5x/2.5y crash decay series ending 24 October 2024. The 5 August to 24 October 18/42 day (59 day) or 4/9 week (12 week) 1st and 2nd fractal series will form the initial base fractal for the subsequent fractal series ending with a low in 2025.

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